en espanol
"One year ago, I locked my door and went to sleep; like we all do on any given night. Unfortunately, this night was like no other before and was one I will never be able to forget. I woke up that night to a co-worker who had undressed himself, crawled into my bed and raped me. " Kathleen, rape survivor
Rape is a crime, talking about it isn't.
After Silence Library for Survivors and Supporters
You are not alone in your experiences. If you are a survivor of rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault, incest or molestation, our hope is that the information provided will give you comfort, relief, and validation. If you are a loved one of a survivor, we hope the articles provided will illuminate your understanding of what your loved one may be experiencing in the process of healing from her or his trauma. Remember that you are not alone, join the rape and sexual abuse victims message board, support forums, and chat room.
Sexual Violence & Abuse
- Rape:
Rape is a crime that revolves around power, hostility, and violence. Know the truth.
- Date Rape:
Most rapes are committed by someone the victim knows. Learn more about date rape.
- Male Survivors:
Resources and support for male survivors of rape and sexual abuse
- Was I raped?
Legal definitions and possible questions.
- If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted:
Ideas on what to do and how to handle the first hours following a sexual assault.
- Recovering from sexual trauma
Coping with anger, fear, stress, guilt & shame, flashbacks.
- Flashbacks
Helpful things you can do when you are experiencing a flashback.
- Depression
Like sexual violence, depression can target anyone regardless of age, race, nationality, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
- Eating Disorders
Traumatic events can trigger an eating disorder. Learn more.
- Insomnia
Suggestions and ideas to cope with sleeping disturbance.
- Self Care
Suggestions and ideas to help you relax and reduce stress as you recover and heal from the assault.
- Dental visits
Suggestions for making your dental visit an easier one.
We hope these resources have helped, we wish you all the best in your healing journey, and we look forward to seeing you whenever our paths will cross
Please stay safe and remember that you can heal.