Survivors may feel that they need time to decide whether or not to pursue prosecuting their assailant and this is totally understandable. After the attack, you will have a great deal of varying emotions to work through and may want to work through your trauma before deciding to face the legal process and police reports. However, it is best to file the police report as soon as possible in order to make a statement while the memory is still fresh in your mind so that you can most accurately describe what happened. Additionally, the statement and the evidence that can be collected from you right after the rape will be imperative in building a successful case against the rapist. Finally, if you have considered applying for compensation through the state’s Victim Compensation Fund your rape must be reported to the police first. To speak to a counselor concerning your situation and your options, you can call the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network at 800-656-HOPE.
While reporting rapes is always preferable to not reporting, if you decide not to report it to the police, do seek out professional counseling to help you through the emotional turmoil that the rape can have on you.
If you are a survivor of rape, sexual abuse, incest, or molestation, you deserve to be supported and we are here for you. Join our message board, forums, and chat room for survivors and victims of sexual violence.
For more information, Reporting the crime to the police and the judicial system..
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