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Never Introduced Myself, Too

Guest Francesca

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Guest Francesca

I have to solicit your indulgence cos I made the same mistake as linds and have not introduced myself......yet.

I'm 28 and I study the classics and philosophy and am married and I live in the Netherlands. I had everything but a calm life. I'm visiting this board since march and like it very much here. I like all the nice wonderful people one meets in chat and that one can here truly find a voice in posting - or can get to know oneself and others better and I find this very helpful cos it makes one feel less alone (and I dont get very well along with feeling alone).

Ive done a long therapy and a short one and my major problems are sleepproblems...as prlly some of you know already....

I like flowers, reading and music....

The question I am right now most concerned with is: Why is life so difficult? The answer to this I like best is: Let's just go to the pub and cry at each others shoulder.

I hope I can continue meeting nice people here.....

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nice to meet you again :dance::dance:

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Hi Francesca, It's nice to meet you! :hug:

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Nice to meet you again Francesca! We met in chat once. Are you studying classical literature? I like the answer to the question of Why is life so difficult? :clap::chin:

Hope you continue to enjoy it here. Lots of warm and caring people here. :bighug:

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The question I am right now most concerned with is: Why is life so difficult? The answer to this I like best is: Let's just go to the pub and cry at each others shoulder. 

I say we all meet tonight :chin:


You always have such wonderful words of encouragement and great insights to share. I'm glad you are here.



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welcome to AS (again lol) :hug:


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If we're meeting at the pub tonight, I'll provide the entertainment with my belching, okay?


I used to belch instead of ringing the doorbell---it drove the neighours in the apartment building NUTS!

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Guest Francesca

youre all so great and fab :hug: ....Iam really looking forward to this imaginary pubevening, I guess this is really the only solution to the difficulties of life....

[Jessica: I'm studying nerdlike latin & greek, but I love to read all those thick books...]

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Hi Francesca!

you remembered! :) yes the trial thing went pretty well. It brought up a lot of memories but in the end he was found guilty. :dance: I'm waiting to hear about his sentence now. Too bad I won't be able to see the judge lecture him :hammer: (Judge Judy with a gavel :) ).

I so wanted to follow up with people I met in chat. Hope you're doing alright today. :) maybe I'll see ya in chat again. Today I have to finish unpacking and stuff (I just moved yesterday). Take care.


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Guest Francesca

HI Jessica,

congrats that the trialthing went well :greet: thats really cool :hug:

hope the moving went ok and was not too stressful...

here life is ok apart from sleeplessness & exams :unsure:

I guess we surely meet in chat, iam also sometimes there, so it is merely a question of time...and then we'll get drunk...... :)

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Hi there Francesca,

Thank you so much for the congratulations :).

The moving went ok and wasn't too stressful, thank you. I have a lot of stuff to sort through though, including clothes, but today I couldn't help it -- I went shopping because of a Memorial Day sale and I bought more clothes :unsure:. I got a really good deal though :)

I so remember sleeplessness "zzz" and exams -- midterms, finals -- I feel for you! It's a lot of work :type:. Good luck with exams! You'll do fine :clap:

I'll check the chatroom whenever I can log in... looking forward to getting drunk together. :wine:

Take care :hug:

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Guest Francesca


glad everything went ok with the moving

I have also tremendous loads of stuff....and clothes and books and all that, but moving is always nice.....always nice to decorate a new room....

seems we pass like ships in the night, (I stole the pkrase from someone here:))..

but I keep on continue hoping we meet one day in chat....

sleep is not so ok, but the teachers are very encouraging so they help me and thats good. everything could be worse apart of course from the sleepthing

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I feel kinda weird because I know this is a joke-ish post (even though it's not, or something... lol) because you've been here for awhile but never posted an introduction.... the funny thing is, I haven't met you yet, lol. (I just joined a couple of weeks ago) so yeah, welcome-ish, although you've been here for awhile! ^_^ Hopefully I'll see you around and I'll get to know you more! Take care!! ((Francesca))



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Guest Francesca

thansk Sarah, for welcoming me though Im already a while here....

yes youre right it is a bit of a jokish post, I was inspired by lindsay/hurtignforever, but on the same time it is not jokish cos I really never have introduced myself....so it is halfserious & halfjokish.....

so it is also nice to meet you, too and I welcome you too, lol cos youre not so long here than I am, lol

I guess we sureley meet one day in chat and meanwhile I wish you a good time:)

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Hi Sweetie,

I like that word 'halfjokish'...I plan to use it sometime :). I also like that phrase - passing like ships in the night - I believe Tom Cruise said that phrase in the movie The Firm... mmm I liked that book.

anyway, the good thing about moving is it's like a spring cleaning -- I get rid of some old clothes and oh, I went shopping again today...found some more good stuff (clothes) :greet:. I have a lot of books too, like you, even though I'm not in school anymore :lol: .

I'm glad to hear your teachers are very encouraging. I hope your sleep situation gets better, I know it's hard. :console:

Speaking of sleep, I just got home from the hospital (my aunt went there but she's okay now) and I am a bit sleepy now "zzz". So I will say goodnight and hope to see you in chat someday! Take care :hug:

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:hug: Hi and welcome (again lol)! I'm so glad you are here!

Hugs and sweet thoughts,

:kitty: Tracy

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