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Please excuse me if I sound retarded in my "introduction."

As you obviously can tell, I'm new here. I'm glad that I've stumbled onto this site. Just in the last few days I've been able to lift a burden off my shoulders. I finally told my mother about how a few years ago I was raped on my job by a co worker. Whew, even just writing that has me shaking. After years of keeping my feelings in, just admitting to it out loud feels empowering. I finally feel like the inside of me is starting to become alive again.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I look forward to talking to you all!

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Hi and welcome to AS! :hi:

I can imagine how difficult it must have been to tell your mother. It has been years for me and I still haven't told her, so you have all my admiration. :tealribbon:

I hope you will find plenty of support here!

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Thank you so much for the welcome wishes!

I have been on here only for a day and I have found so much useful information. I feel a lot better reading everyones stories. I know I'm not alone anymore.

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Hi I'm China. Welcome AnimalLover21. I'M KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO TELL YOUR MOTHER. OH MY GOD. When I told my mom (and I didn't even tell her everything) it was the hardest shaking I have ever done in my life. I 'm proud of you. {You know it's funny how someone you've never even met before is proud of you, but you know what? We all have a special connection that makes that possible} Good job!!! I'm GLAD YOU FOUND US.

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Welcome to After Silence :flowers:

I am also glad you found this site and that you have decided to reach out and not keep this all inside you any longer. We are here to listen as you are ready to share.

Nicole :throb:

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