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Hi there everyone, Grateful to be here in this community, even though it's new and scary. It's hard not to feel alone when I'm always walking through the world with this invisible weight. I tend to be shy but I want to share my story here sometime soon. Also, I am trans, and use they/them pronouns (: Thanks for taking the time to read
Here to work on finding peace with what's happened to me and keep rebuilding. Looking forward to getting to know you!
Hello everyone, I am excited to be part of this community. I am (finally) coming to terms with my own experiences and it is great to find an online network of supportive people. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible.
Um, hi everyone. My name is Len and I’m nineteen years old. I got this account for the blog a couple months ago but only just got up the courage to start posting. I hope this will help me, though I’m not really sure of what exactly I am doing to be honest. It’s nice to meet you though
- 9 replies
- new member
- not really sure what i’m doing
(and 1 more)
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Hello, I'm Len and I recently found this resource through the suicide prevention hotline. I hope I'll be able to find support and provide my support to others as well. I am transgender (ftm) and decided to sign up for this site to share my story and also show others that they are not alone.
Hello! I'm Rach. I was sexually assaulted last April and have been on the path to recovery ever since. I'm a university student so I've luckily had the support of the school's advocacy program for legal support, counseling for therapy, and the health department for anxiety medication I recently got on. I'm graduating in May and want to continue being a member of a supportive community, which is how I came across this site. I hope to become acquaintances with you all and give and receive support when needed!
Hi, I signed up and was accepted to AS about a month ago, but I’m just now finding the courage to post an intro. I’ve been afraid talking about what happened and the trauma would make things worse. However, things have to get worse before they can get better I guess. I’ve tried to bury things down for so long but now I feel I’m ready to start healing and bettering my mental health. Thank you all in advance for creating a strong, supportive environment. ~D
Hi all, I discovered this place in the early hours whilst recovering from a full day of body sensory flashbacks and ptsd. I suppose I best had start by talking about what happened, it happened nearly a year ago now. I'm gracing the good days with my full heart and savouring the comfortable mindfulness, when the bad days happen I tell myself there will be a better day and try to self soothe as much as possible. I have a 6yo to keep me busy, he is my world. It happened at home and I'm still living in the same place currently, I would be interested to see if anybody else had this
Hello, this is my first time really reaching out to other people like me or people who have gone through what I have. Ill try to keep my introduction short and leave my full story for the other forum. I'm Cam and I am a 17 year old male living in the North East part of Alabama. It happened to me around 4 years ago, and since then i have only been comfortable telling one person (untill now) that is my gf who has been really supportive and helpful to me. She suggested the other day that I might feel a little better by reaching out and talking to other survivors and friends of survivors. Maybe
So, I'm not really sure how to go about this.. I have some issues, after being put through alot, like most people here, and I've come to this website because.. Well, I need to talk about it, I guess, and because I want to help others heal
Hello! I am new to this site so I am still fumbling around hoping that I am doing things by the rules. I haven't participated in anything like this in the past and I am excited to see what things this brings! Thank you for welcoming me into this community!
Hello everyone, Im Jessica and nice to meet everyone. So I joined a bit ago and have been reluctate to use this. Now that I am I find myself feeling.. broken? I guess that's a good term for it. I was sexually assaulted three years ago around this time. I never reached out for help. I told my ex boyfriend and other old friends, but that only made matters worse. I think this is a big step for me and I'm still coming to terms of why I am herr, even though I do know why. Besides that, I love my dogs and my family. I work full time at a restaurant And I'm also in school pursuing a
Hi all, back on here after a long time away (6 years) and hope to start healing again and finding some support. Thank you
Hi, I'm cirrus. I'm 19 and identify as nonbinary. It's coming up on one year since everything happened. I'm looking for a place to tell my story and hopefully find others with similar experiences. Since I'm making this post anyway, I have a quick question: where would be the appropriate forum to post my story? It could be very triggering and I wouldn't want to upset anyone.
Hi everyone. I have been struggling a lot lately and just decided that maybe it is time to be more open about things that have happened in my past. I am thankful for this community already. I know I need to get better and support will go a long way.
Hi, This is all quite new for me. Even though this is internet and I'm behind a computer, sharing my experience is still quite intimidating. Plus, internet can be mean. The assault happened about 10 years ago, at a church. I was too young to understand, but the experience haunts me none the less. What's worse is I found out later on that he assaulted another girl at a different place. Logically I understand that I'm not responsible for his action; but I can't help but feel that my silence came with a price. I'm working on putting this behind me and moving on. However, it is rea
Hi, I'm 41 years old survivor of being molested almost all my childhood, and teen years by my stepfather. Who also abused my mom the whole time as well. I'm trying to find away to deal with and get past stuff. My stepfather died a year ago and it kind of brought things to a boiling point and I've seen had a lot harder of a time handling everything.
Any journey must start somewhere and here is the beginning of my journey of writing a blog. I've never done this before, so bear with me. I plan to use this as a journal in which I can freely express the feelings and struggles, and victories that I face day to day. My T told me the other day that I'm in the chrysalis stage and soon will emerge a new girl. There have been so many changes in my life lately, so many more that are needed. Some days the pain is so heavy and the tears won't stop. Other days are sunny and my life is full of blessings. Sometimes it takes all the strength I can
Hi, I'm not sure how to start here... I was sexually abused as a child and kept silent for many years. I did eventually tell my mom, but still didn't talk about it much. Basically I just tried to forget and move on with life. But I couldn't forget. I've been going to counseling for over a year now and am trying to be more open to others about my past. For so long I struggled (still do) with guilt and shame, even though I know it was in no way my fault. I'm hoping that by joining this group that I will find my voice even if it is just through writing.
Hello, my name is B and I'm new here. I'm a survivor of sexual abuse and other types of abuse. I'm hoping to connect with other survivors.
Hi there, everyone. This is my first time on a support message board, but I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment and think some support from people who know what I'm going through might help. I'm seeing a therapist but due to my job situation I can't see her as often as I'd like. Looking forward to read some success stories on here and be inspired. Have a great week!
- 13 replies
- introduction
- new here
(and 1 more)
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Hi, I'm Faye. I've been sexually assaulted three times in my life. I'm glad to have found this community; thanks to all of you for making it happen. Feeling alone in the aftermath of a trauma is very painful indeed. It's been almost five years since the last time, but it creeps up on me sometimes, still. The whole election thing - the "grabbing" and the alleged assaults by our almost-President and his sickening words used to deny - really triggered me. I've been dealing with strong memories, and I'm angry, and I'm hurting again, in spite of the time passed. Anyhow. Glad to be here. Thank you.
Hi everyone. I thought I'd come here to introduce myself. I'm Faith... I was attacked by a stranger almost 5 years ago, and somehow he still has control over my mind. I guess I've come to reach out for some support from people who genuinely know what it feels like to be hurt, rather than people who (no disrespect, and luckily for them), don't have any idea. Please be gentle with me... I tend to self destruct rather than asking for some help, so this is really a big deal for me. Thank you for reading this...
Hello, I'm new to this site. I only joined to appease some of my loved ones who thought I should open up about what happened to me. I hope this also gives me some relief also. Hope to get to know some of the people here.
It's not easy to write this first message. It's my first step to recovery even though I'm still so confused about what happened and my feelings. I hope to find answers and people who can understand me Have a great day everyone