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Everything posted by AnimalLover21

  1. Hello there! Welcome to After Silence.
  2. Welcome! Look forward to seeing more posts from you. Brittany
  3. Glad you found this board! Best wishes to you!
  4. Hello! Best Wishes to you!
  5. Hi Natalie, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Nobody should ever have to endure something like that. I'm also new to this site, and a rape survivor. If you ever need to talk to someone, there's many of us here. Best wishes!!
  6. Hello! Glad you found this site! Hopefully by talking/or reading posts here are helping you find encouragement to start healing.
  7. Hey Ray, I hope you're starting to feel a little bit better. Welcome!
  8. Hi there, I'm new here to this site also. I'm sorry that you're having some icky feelings right now. I know the feeling. Some days tend to be better than others. I hope you get to feeling better soon, and if you ever need to talk to someone, everyone is here!
  9. Thank you so much for the welcome wishes! I have been on here only for a day and I have found so much useful information. I feel a lot better reading everyones stories. I know I'm not alone anymore.
  10. Hi John, Welcome here! I'm new here also, just joined yesterday. I hope you can find comfort here at this site. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm open ears!
  11. Please excuse me if I sound retarded in my "introduction." As you obviously can tell, I'm new here. I'm glad that I've stumbled onto this site. Just in the last few days I've been able to lift a burden off my shoulders. I finally told my mother about how a few years ago I was raped on my job by a co worker. Whew, even just writing that has me shaking. After years of keeping my feelings in, just admitting to it out loud feels empowering. I finally feel like the inside of me is starting to become alive again. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I look forward to talking to you all!
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