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  1. socializing isn’t the same anymore. For someone who really struggles to make connections, this current climate is excruciating. Too many people are self absorbed… 

    1. MeBeMary


      Sending you support, wrenn. Safe hugs, if ok. :hug: 

  2. i don’t know how to find peace.

    1. MeBeMary


      That's a tough one. I wish that I had some good answers on questions like that. Try to be gentle with yourself and know that you do deserve it. Don't give up.

      Sitting with you. :hug: 

    2. wrenn


      @MeBeMary thank you ☹️

  3. Most human interactions I have anymore are generic. Are there any deep people left? Or is everyone shallow and selfish?? 

  4. 🖤


    1. MeBeMary


      I adored Steve Irwin; may he rest in peace.

      That kind of care he gave to animals, I understand. It's easy with animals, dontcha think? 

      I may not want to be a lizard, but yes, I can imagine the kindness and positivity he would relay. Perhaps a good role model at how humans should treat other humans...not just animals. Any way you look at it, he was one of a kind. :throb: 

  5. I don’t trust anyone anymore 

    1. Doll6


      Sending safe hugs if ok @wrenn

    2. wrenn


      @Doll6 thank you 🖤

  6. restraining order life... f***

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Panther
    3. Jaylore


      @wrenn ❤️ I'm so sorry, that is so unfair.

    4. wrenn


      @Panther :bighug:

      @Jaylore it is unfair! Fortunately this person isn’t violent but also unfortunately because they won’t really do much about it except tell me to change my numbers/ block numbers and accounts etc 😨

  7. Idk why he can’t just leave me alone 😭 

  8. just wish i could disappear

    1. wrenn


      @Lily023 i feel overwhelmed with everything. & i don’t know how to make connections with people :( 

    2. wrenn


      That’s ok. It’s just part of life sometimes 🌻

  9. guess it was all wishful thinking..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doll6


      Sending a safe hug if ok 

    3. wrenn


      @Doll6 thank you. Hugs to you as well 💕

    4. Doll6


      Thanks Wrenn

  10. wish it weren’t so difficult to consistently treat myself with respect 💔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jaylore


      sitting with you @wrenn 💜

    3. wrenn


      @Doll6 @Jaylore thank you for the company :( 🌻

    4. Panther


      it gets easier with practice.

  11. i let him make me feel sad… and it’s my own fault! 

    1. MeBeMary


      Sitting with you. :hug: 

    2. wrenn
  12. I am annoying

    1. MeBeMary


      I think we all feel that way sometimes. I don't see you as annoying. I see you as someone who deserves kindness and support. I'm sending that to you. Safe hugs, if ok. :hug: 

    2. wrenn


      :( Hugs are ok. Hugs to you too 

  13. i worked hard to not hate myself. it’s maddening how easily it creeps back in. i don’t want to hate myself. sometimes people reiterate my feelings of self hatred when they are mean out of nowhere. but to my trauma brain, it isn’t unwarranted. i deserved it all along

    1. MeBeMary


      I know how difficult that can be. I'm proud of you for trying. Keep trying. Remind yourself it IS unwarranted.

      You deserve better. You deserve a lot better. :throb: 


    2. wrenn


      @MeBeMary thank you for your kind words. It’s hard to accept that isolation is the least traumatizing thing for me these days 😞

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