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Everything posted by Alighierie

  1. Hi @dancergirl217. I'm sorry for what happened to bring you here, but you're definitely not alone in what you've been struggling with. I hope that you can find the support you're looking for here.
  2. Hi, @Broken Zero. I am very sorry for what happened to you, just know that you did not deserve it. I am glad you have decided to take a step towards opening up about what you have been through. That said please feel free to take your time and don't rush into anything you're not comfortable with. It's nice to meet you!
  3. Hi @zerostars. I am glad you've decided to try to take some steps towards speaking uo about what you went through. I know how scary that can be, and I want you to know that you are not alone. I am very sorry for what you went through and for what brings you here, but I am glad that you are here nonetheless.
  4. Having read all of this I can say that what you said really resonates with me, too - the people-pleasing behavior is very strong and it's incredibly easy for me to think of examples about myself. In terms of the thought processes behind the behavior, you nailed those too. Setting boundaries is something I am trying to learn to do as well, but it's proven very difficult so far. But, yes, to answer your question - I think this is absolutely something a lot of us struggle with. It's how I got myself into two abusive relationships as well, and then stayed in them well past when I knew I should hav
  5. Had my first session with my new T on Tuesday. I think it went well! She and I talked about my issues and we decided on what I want to work on first, and she's given me a few worksheets to fill out to help me build a more positive self-image.

    1. feralcat


      That sounds great! So happy that you had a good meeting with a new therapist. You did good, re-starting therapy… I hope you give yourself credit for positive steps you take.


    2. Finchy


      That's awesome! So happy for you! :) I wish you all the best with your new T.

    3. Alighierie


      Thank you guys. So far I have been pretty comfortable with her and she has given me some good 'homework' to do that's been very helpful so far. I have been trying to give myself some credit for taking positive steps lately and trying to do some things to improve my mental state.

  6. @bunnieHi bunnie and welcome to AS. First and foremost I'm very sorry for what brings you here; that said I am glad you sought out and found a place that might help your healing process. As somebody who often feels anxious and nervous about sharing my own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, I can say that AS has been very accommodating for me and that everyone has been very supportive so far. Still, please take as much time as you need. I hope that you can get something positive out of talking here.
  7. Starting to feel a little fatigued looking for a new T... that's one I felt uncomfortable with and two who recommended I look for another one.

    1. Finchy


      That's rough. I'm sorry Ali (can I call you that?). I hope you are able to find a T that will stick with you and help you to heal. You deserve someone that will be by your side. It can be hard, though. I'm lucky I guess...I only went through one crappy T to get to the one I have now, who I've seen for 3+ years now.

      Best wishes to you!

  8. Hi @Karma1122 and welcome to the site. I am very sorry that you have to be here at all but as something of a fresh face myself I can say that the environment here has been very supportive and helpful to me in my process of healing as well. It's true that healing is something one can only do for themselves, but it is still nice to have people who will support you in that process. I like your daughter's artwork. As far as your avatar goes, is that a picture of a bowl mended with the kintsukuroi method? I've always found things like that fascinating.
  9. I'm also fine with my real name being used, that being Cody - whatever is more comfortable for others. Either way, though I find myself a little filled with anxiety over a new situation with new people I really do think the support will help me a lot. Thank you both for your warm welcome.
  10. Hi everybody. I joined here hoping to find some support in my healing process. Most of my friends call me by some variant of an older username, Grim, but you're welcome to call me whatever's comfortable for you. I'm well past my teen years - 28, but I'm a survivor of CSA in various forms from various sources that I never really started processing and trying to heal from until this recent November. Since then I've mostly been working on my own with my therapist helping me, but I thought finding a support group would really help me in not feeling so isolated about this stuff. I figure any step f
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