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    Music, Christianity/Faith, Trauma-informed music therapy, and more:)

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  1. He was seven months old. She was the first of my childhood friends to have a baby. She had gotten married in January and he was born in April. Though she loved him dearly, she wondered what people in our closed, Conservative circle would say. But I loved her for it. Because everyone who has walked the hard paths of life in a broken Creation know sorrow. I knew it. And I knew that she knew it. She was the first of my friends to get married, and to have a baby. And she's the first of my friends to lose a baby. Ten days before Christmas. So my best frien
  2. I just happened to glance at my phone as the text flashed across my screen. "NEVER let anyone walk to their car alone. Sarah* was almost grabbed last night by a man in a ski mask. She got away but he exposed himself to her." I sputtered. The girl on the other side of the Zoom call was waiting for me to speak, but whatever we had been discussing faded away like fog being burned by the sun. After the call was finished, I re-read the text. My heart dropped. My hands felt clammy. I started to shake. I called my best friend, the person we'd been celebrating. I sent her th
  3. I was scrolling through Reddit. "What's one thing you wish you'd never gone through?" Ahh, AskReddit, the deeply philosophical subreddit. One of my favorites. I paused before I wrote. "I was a victim of domestic violence from sixteen to eighteen," I began. "It's made me a better therapy student," I admitted, "but I could do without the lingering anxiety and PTSD." For the first time in therapy a few weeks ago, I had acknowledged that I wasn't sorry the abuse had happened. I wouldn't wish it on anyone - ever - but for myself, I have learned things about myself and my world a
  4. I'm a psychology student, but until this summer I didn't know about repressed memories. I was a sophomore in college. It was the height of the COVID-19 pandemic - or at least, I hoped it was. I had been exposed and I was living in a house for two weeks with my other friends who were exposed. I was living an hour away from home - and I had never moved out before. I had to get a COVID test before I could go home to my parents and my animals. My cousin was driving me, because my anxiety was through the roof that day. I had heard that some patients who were tested got migraines afte
  5. "Writing is my way of picking up a brush to paint a picture." I LOVE that. ❤️ Thank you for sharing, and I can't wait to read more.
  6. "Blackbird singing in the dead of night, Take your broken wings and learn to fly . . . " I remember hearing that for the first time. I think it was Kel who sent it to me. I liked him, Kel. He was tall, stocky, reminded me of my dad, but my age. And I liked him as if just yesterday I was fourteen. But that makes sense, because the years between then and now are fuzzy at best. Kel had an affinity for the Beatles. Oh, when I say it that way - it sounds cute. Like Kel wasn't a megafan, like he didn't talk about them every chance he got or know every song. Kel's attract
  7. It is absolutely my favorite thing. Music and writing have become strongholds for me in this darkness. @missfrier, I have loved the nonjudgmental aspect that I've seen here. It's like a safe place, especially in the culture of the US (where I am) today. It's refreshing and I'm thankful for the people who have cultivated it here. @8888, Thank you. I have been interested in autism since I found out I have ADHD. I have some of the same characteristics. I've learned that ADHD and autism are like cousins. Thanks so much for your welcome message.
  8. Hello everyone. For the sake of anonymity, I will choose to go by Song here. So... you can call me Song. 😊 I am brand new to this platform, though I am not new to trauma. For now, I will just say that I am a survivor of emotional abuse from childhood, and a survivor of domestic abuse that occurred shortly after I graduated from high school, and through my first year of college. Onto me, though: I'm 20 and attend a large public university. I currently am studying music and psychology, and I love it. I want to work as a music therapist, and I have interests in child development,
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