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  1. Hi Eleni, Welcome to AS!! ๐Ÿ˜Š I am sorry for what has brought you here....but glad that you have reached out! It is understandable to feel nervous and worried. That is perfectly normal....this is something new. Please know that you are surrounded by fellow survivors who are here to support you. Standing with you as you move forward on your healing journey. Take much gentle care. ๐ŸŒบ Tsabu.
  2. Hi @Sylvan_cg, Welcome to AS!! I am so sorry for what the abuser/s did to you! Bullying is also a hard one to go through. I am not sure of your circumstances...but I endured a lot of bullying in mostly high school. Horrendous. I am glad you are here and wish you much progress as you heal from the trauma. See you around in the forums. Take much gentle care. Tsabu ๐Ÿ’•
  3. Tsabu

    New here

    Hi Pea......welcome to AS!! I am sorry for what someone has done to you that has caused you to seek out help on a survivor site......but am happy that you are reaching out! Be very gentle with yourself as you start your healing journey. Take good care of you. โ™ฅ๏ธ Tsabu
  4. Welcome to AS @Coben, So glad you are here and wishing you all the best as you move forward in healing. Tsabu
  5. Welcome @CupcakesAreGreat. lol.....love the name. Glad that you have found AS and hope that you find the support you need here as you move forward with your healing journey. Take gentle care Tsabu
  6. Welcome @Smiling and @dormouse. It is great that you have both reached out and found a site to help support you as you heal. Sending positive energy and much peace. Tsabu โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š
  7. Hey @Rachal1, So understandable that you are having difficulty managing or explaining how you are feeling after what you have been through. If okay, I am going to post some links to articles to help you on 'Self Care After Trauma'........and.......'Stress Management: Breathing Exercise for Relaxation'. Especially with the breathing part.......when we slow down our breathing, it helps our mind and body to relax. One kinda affects the other, if that makes sense. Slow breathing, the body relaxes......then that in turn relaxes the mind. https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/u
  8. Hey @Rachal1, I am sorry you had to endure the hospital visit. ๐Ÿ˜ข No need to reply if feeling unable...........just checking in to let you know you are in my thoughts. Sending positive energy. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™ Tsabu
  9. Is good that you have contacted them. It is okay and understandable that it is hard to speak to them. I am sorry that you are enduring the medicals and meetings with the police. I know it has to be done, but I can only imagine it would be so difficult. Sitting with you in support......as you go through this difficult time. Tsabu
  10. Hey @Rachal1, Can so understand how overwhelming this would be. Have you been able to reach out for some professional help......maybe a rape crisis hotline or a counselor? Tsabu
  11. Hi @Rachal1, I am so sorry for what this person did to you! Very glad that you have reached out for support on AS. ๐Ÿ˜Š Please know that you are among people who understand and support you. Take gentle care and be kind to yourself. Tsabu
  12. Hi @Saphira, Welcome to Aftersilence! I am sorry for what brings you here, but am glad that you have joined us. Take your time to look around the forums and there is never any pressure to talk unless you want to. Take much gentle care of you, Saphira. Tsabu
  13. Tsabu

    Saying Hi

    Hi @HZ25, Welcome to After Silence! I am glad you are here but am sorry for the abuse you endured as a child. Wishing you all the best as you move forward in your healing journey. Tsabu
  14. Hello, I remember being so new to healing, quite lost and skeptical of ever moving forward. Healing has been a journey to hell and back.....but so very much worth it! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. If okay, I would like to list some things that have helped me to heal. Perhaps they may help you too? Find a good therapist. You may have to go through several to find the right one. This doesnโ€™t have to be forever, perhaps just through the most difficult or early times. For those in a relationship, couples' counselling may be a good idea as partners may take yo
  15. Hi @Annalisa Welcome to After Silence. I am so sorry for all that you went through. You certainly deserved to be protected and for much more justice than what was given! Sitting in support. Tsabu
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