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About Capulet

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    AKA Cappy

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  1. Welcome to AS, @J03ep - you can call me Cap - fellow survivor of CSA (childhood sexual abuse). I'm very sorry to learn that your experiences have made you seek us out but am hopeful that you'll find that many of our community members are in the same boat and are trying to process and sort things out as well. It is truly a journey - but the good news is you are not alone and you have definitely come to the right place for connection, support, validation and for a healing resource. You should be hearing from a member of our Newbie Support Team very soon if not already. Please let me kno
  2. Every day, if traffic and other circumstances permit, I arrive to work a few minutes early. It’s not a lot of time; it’s maybe three or four minutes before I have to clock in. This is time I spend in the car, just kind of sitting - trying to mentally prepare for the day to start, even though I’d already been awake for over an hour. Let me be clear - I’m too fucking lazy to get a coffee on my commute, knowing that the coffee machine in the teacher’s lounge is there waiting for me is a comfort. That helps a lot, for 8am is not too ungodly an hour to start work but is still early for me, some
  3. It is officially 2025 where I am!

    Ready or not, here it is.  Guess we will all have to make the most of it.  I wish you all happiness, health, positivity and healing. ❤️ Sending all of my love to you all as we navigate our next year of healing - may this year be more progressive than last year was, even if only slightly.  Cheers, everyone. 


    1. MeBeMary
    2. Finchy


      Thank you, Cap. ❤️ Same well wishes to you as well. ❤️ 

    3. awi


      thank you Cap and for all the work you do.  Wishing you all the best life can bring. 

  4. Welcome to AS, @SwanseasStar. I'm Cap, fellow survivor. I'm sorry for the circumstances under which you have arrived, but do hope that being here brings you healing. Silence is indeed deafening - and sometimes we spend more time and effort downplaying and denying - it can be exhausting sometimes, right? We have all got to start somewhere when it comes to putting experiences into words. Although these are terrible words that are tough to string together, once we begin to speak them (especially to others who can relate and can support and provide validation), we become so much stron
  5. As someone who has been on both sides (the cheerful side and the 'Grinchy' side) of the holidays, I'll refrain from saying "Merry Christmas" - I know that many struggle during the holidays - I do not think, though, that there is any harm in saying that my thoughts are with you whether you are joyful today or are having a hard time.  I wish you all peace, comfort and healing, 365 days of the year! ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaylore
    3. Doll6


      ❤️thanks Cap 

    4. awi


      Thank you Cappy. Wishing you all the best life can bring. May all your dreams come true. 

  6. Loving words for those who struggle with the holidays.  My door/PM is always open. ❤️


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Capulet


      Of course!  Was a nice find on my FB feed this morning.  It rang true in many ways!! 💕

    3. MeBeMary
    4. Doll6
  7. Very nerve-wracking day for Americans!!!  Will be hanging out here later.

    Sending support to you all. ❤️💙🤍

    1. MeBeMary
    2. Finchy


      ❤️ Very scary...very. I'm so anxious. :( 

    3. Jaylore


      very scary very demoralizing

  8. Welcome to After Silence, @KVA1983. I’m so sorry to learn of your experience with imprisonment but delighted to hear that you have had success with therapy. I am hopeful that being here will provide a positive sense of community as we have many people from all walks of life but share a very common understanding of trauma and its effects. Take gentle care and please feel free to give a shout if you have any questions. Again, welcome! Best wishes, Cap
  9. I’ll start by saying that what you are about to read took much less time to type out than it did to come up with a title for today’s blog entry. I just threw in what I did because at this point, the ability to come up with something clever has momentarily disappeared. Hoping you’re all having a good day, week, month, etc, etc. I am, without a doubt, buried underneath work, family and dog obligations, doctor appointments, a messy house, financial burden, league bowling, postseason baseball, and mindless television and Halloween movies. There simply are not enough hours in the day
  10. Welcome to AS, Nounecia - I hope that being here among those who understand will make a positive difference in your healing efforts! This is an amazing community and I am confident you will find that many struggle with similar feelings. Wishing you healing and comfort. Best wishes, - Cap
  11. Hello, @Halle and welcome. I’m sorry to learn of the circumstances that have led you to us but hope that we can help support you as you navigate through your healing journey!! Wishing you all the best! - Cap
  12. Oh, you absolutely are, and I will drink to that. 😉 Dead perps are the best kind!! I’m sorry I didn’t see this before today!! I appreciate your comment very much. I love hearing from folks. Thank you for the kind words re: the surgeries. I feel a hundred times better than I did when writing this entry. I ‘tested’ the foot by returning to league bowling. So far, so good. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone and work on my social awkwardness at the same time? 😉 I will forever be grateful for the existence of this community. I’m glad you have found a place here, too. I
  13. Hello and welcome to AS!! I am glad you are here although sorry for the circumstances that have led you to join this community. Wishing you peace, comfort and healing - you are definitely not alone here. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you find your way around. Take care! - Cap
  14. Thank you, @awi! Sending you big hugs, if you'd like 'em. ❤️ I hope you have been doing as well as you can be, given all that is on your plate these days. Yeah, lots going on for us both, huh? I have to remind myself to just relax, let myself BE for a few minutes per day. No distractions. Just sit or lay down, relax, try to prepare myself mentally and physically for the fast pace that is just a few days away when full-time hours start back up.
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