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  1. thank you everyone for the warm welcome back
  2. I have been member here for a while but havent been in here in a while I was doing so well I didnt think I needed it. Boy was I wrong I forgot how much this place helped me get through those bad days. So after much work I am back and am doingalot better than before. for the first time I am realizizng that I am worth the work it takes to heal.
  3. charlotte~ welcome hunny to AS and thank you for posting you story its so brave of you to put it out there i know how hard it can be sometimes
  4. nikki you are absolutly right we will be glad to listen when youre ready sweety take your time weve all been there it took me a really long time to find this place and thank GOD every day that i did
  5. welcome to the group i hope you will find what you need here. it is a wonderful place
  6. welcome hun i hope you can find what your looking for here its a very supportive group they always seem to have the answers to all my questions so im sure they can help with yours too.
  7. good for you Tina it must have taken an incredible amount of courage to do that i couldnt imagine but i hope that it turns out for the good and welcome to AS
  8. canyon welcome to the group hope you enjoy it and take in all it has to offer its a great place to connect with others who have felt or are feeling the exact same thing you are no matter whta there is always someone here who has been in your shoes and can offer comfort guidance or support to help you get through it
  9. welcome princess always willing to listen anytime you need an ear
  10. hello little lamb and welcome to the group you are truly among friends here actually its closer to a family
  11. joe glad you have joined us it sounds like you will be a valuable member we always need more caring people to help in our jorney of healing and hopefully you may find a little of that yourself.
  12. people just dont see how hurtful a few simple words can really be do they? after reading this thread i came to realize that the sad part is i dont know if they even care what impact those words carry when theyre ringing through your head even though some of mine were said to me years ago alot of yrs ago they still sound so vivid inside my head when i think about them
  13. hi seeply hidden and welcome to the group i hope you some day will be able to open up and I can always use another opinion I like hearing what the people hear have to say I value the opinion of this group greatly and have been given some great advice by the members here.
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