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    Dancing, playing board games and watching my daughter play basketball

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  1. Everything is falling apart :cry:. I can't get my head right. When i get like this...I stop caring.  When I stop caring...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aloneallthetime


      Thank u. I really appreciate that and the hug. :hug:

    3. fallenstar


      Wanted you to know someone is listening and cares. Hugs are available at anytime :)

    4. aloneallthetime


      Thanx u so much. It means a lot to kno I'm cared about and I care about u as well. We r all most of us have... especially when it comes to support and encouragement. 

  2. I am stressing right now and it sucks!

  3. I really enjoyed my birthday dinner with my sisters and daughter yesterday. Now the anxiety is hitting me bc I have a GYN appt. tomorrow. I wish the happiness from yesterday could last forever. 

  4. Feeling a lot of anxiety in the pit of my stomach.  Nervous about eye appt. tomorrow and T on Wednesday is probably contributing to the anxiety as well.  Hate this feeling!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Iheartcupcakes


      I can completely relate to being annoyed with myself… It does seem that the simplest triggers take us down. But you just need to remember that it's not your fault and you cannot control it. You do you control your response to it and it shows. You keep fighting and you keep going even through your anxiety. You're strong and you're going to get through it :) 

    3. aloneallthetime


      Thanx :hug:if okay.

    4. Iheartcupcakes
  5. Just hoping T won't be to hard tomorrow.  Nervous as hell tho.

  6. Hoping tonight will be better than last night.

  7. Had a rough night.  It's all coming back!

  8. I'm soooooo over this cold. I just want to be healthy me again!

    1. MeBeMary
    2. Butterflyluv


      Wishing healthy thoughts for you! :)

    3. aloneallthetime


      Thank you Mary and Butterflyluv.

  9. Oh how I wish someone would tell me how to get my birth date from showing under my bubble :unsure: .

  10. Happy Birthday! I hope you get to enjoy it.

    1. chlo


      Thanks I kept busy so was tolerate able until just now when I been triggered and everything set off again!! :(

    2. aloneallthetime


      Sorry to hear that you aren't doing so good right now.  I hope things get better for you soon. :console: 

  11. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you enjoy.

    1. TerraMarkov


      Thank you so much! You are so sweet :)

      I had a great day!! :)

    2. aloneallthetime


      Your welcome. Glad it was good for you.

  12. Happy Birthday!! I hope you enjoy.

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