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Everything posted by Katia60

  1. "I know now that every time I accept my past and respect where I am in the present, I'm giving myself a future." -a quote from 'The Courage to Heal'
  2. Went to get a vanilla ice cream cone. I don't know what it is, but it sure makes me feel good and happy inside. Cone therapy. Kate
  3. Katia60

    New Bee

    Hi, Welcome to AS. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  4. I just wanted to say that some of this spelling stuff can be triggering to some ritual abuse survivors. I have seen others get triggered from just this kind of stuff. I stay away from this kind of stuff myself and normally won't go into threads with this kind of spelling, for my own safety. Kate
  5. Hi Sarah, Welcome to AS. I'm sure that you will find a lot of support and understanding here. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  6. Hi Jillian, Welcome back. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  7. Hi Kensington, Welcome to AS. I like your name. Glad that you are here. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  8. Hi, Welcome to AS. I'm glad that you are here and know that you will get lots of support from the members here. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  9. Hi, Welcome to AS. I know that anger is something many members express and feel. I go through that a lot as well. Glad that you are here and are posting. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  10. Hi Allie2. Welcome to AS. Glad that you are here and are working on this. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  11. Hi, So sorry for what you have gone through. I'm glad that you are here, so welcome to AS and I know it is a good place to start working on healing from this stuff. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  12. Hugs and healing to you. Kate
  13. Hi lostandfound, Welcome to AS. I had only a couple of memories when I first started working on healing. And everything anyone else had gone through seemed to be a lot, until I started remembering all the other things that had happened to me, and it really put it all in perspective. If I hadn't worked on healing, I might not have started to remember the tougher stuff and gotten to be happier with myself and my life and learned how to stop loathing myself. It all started with only a few memories. Now I know that no matter what happened or even if it only happened once, it is damaging an
  14. Hi against the current, Welcome back. It is nice to see you again. Kate
  15. Katia60


    Hi Mileena, Welcome to AS. What a lovely name. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  16. Katia60


    Hi, Welcome to AS. It is good to meet you. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  17. Hi Brandi, Welcome to AS. This is a good place to start working on healing. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  18. Hi, Welcome to AS. Glad that you are here and are reaching out. Good for you. There are many members here who are incredibly supportive to others. Hang in there, healing is worth it. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  19. Hi TB, Welcome to AS. I don't have a degree in women's studies, but almost have a degree, cause I took so many courses. Still think about doing that. I also love literature, especially children's. Feel free to send me a message if you would like to talk some about these subjects as I will respond to those. I might miss threads on those topics, but I am always interested in them. Take care. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  20. Hi, Welcome to AS. I'm glad that you are here and that you can get some support. I'm sorry that you do not feel in a safe place where you are living. I hope that changes for you. Thinking of you. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  21. Hi Megan, Welcome to AS. It is great, as always, to meet another creative type, like me. There are many of us here. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  22. Hi, Welcome to AS. I thin k that feelings of not belonging are very common. I experienced it a lot for a while as I was first getting involved with support groups. It took me a while to understand that pain is pain and abuse is abuse and aftereffects all deserve to be acknowledged and healed from. I think this is a good place to do that. Glad that you are here. Keep at it. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  23. Hi, Glad that you are here. It is good to accept that we need healing. Good for you. Good and healing thoughts to you. Kate
  24. Hi Kevin, Thanks. It is nice to see you again. Kate
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