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  1. Sick of feeling alone and in pain. Starting to really get me down 😔

    1. Finchy


      Sorry you're feeling so alone and in pain, Doll. :( Sitting with you, sweetie. ❤️ 

    2. Doll6


      Thank you @Finchy. Looking forward to tomorrow, I can call the Dr and see if they can do anything to help 😔

  2. Welcome to AS @MissBlueButterfly. I hope you’ll find this community to be kind and supportive 😊
  3. Feel let down by my t’s 😔

    1. Finchy


      I'm sorry, Doll. :( That's really a shame. They should be there for you...I'm sorry, friend. Sitting with you.

    2. Doll6
  4. Feeling very alone 😞

  5. Argh, it’s gonna be a long night 😓😔

    1. Finchy


      Sorry I didn't see this yesterday. How are you doing, Doll? Sitting with you. ❤️ 

    2. Doll6


      Thanks @Finchy. I’m a little better, it’s day time. The nights are just so rough 😔

  6. So exhausted… why can’t I just sleep? 😞

    1. MeBeMary


      Too much on your mind lately? I find that is often the case with me.

      I do hope in any way you find a way to relax enough to find good and gentle sleep.

      Sitting with you, my friend. :throb: 

    2. Doll6


      Thank you @MeBeMary. I think so, the anxiety has just taken over 😞

  7. Welcome @Jennypal! Glad you found us. Feel free to read and contribute to other members posts if you’re more comfortable doing that. There’s no pressure here to share anything you’re not comfortable sharing 😊
  8. Struggling 🥺

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doll6


      Thanks @Finchy, I hope so too. Seeing t soon hope that helps 

    3. MeBeMary


      A day late and a dollar short. Always sending positive thoughts your way tho, my friend. 


    4. Doll6


      Thank you sweet @MeBeMary

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