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About ActivistAlly

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  1. Welcome to AS! I hope this will be a good place for you to get support as you work through the difficult memories brought up in your therapy.
  2. Hello Octopus and welcome to After Silence! I'm sorry that you went through SA but I'm glad that you found this site and I hope you will feel comfortable to talk and that you will find understanding here from the members of After Silence. It's okay to take things at your own pace and you can post as much or as little as you like with no obligation to do so. I hope you will find everyone at After Silence supportive and helpful as you struggle with healing from what you experienced.
  3. Hello, I hope all is well and blessed with you! You will get through and remain strong!

    1. ActivistAlly


      Thank you and I hope all is well and blessed with you too!

  4. ((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))
  5. Hello Robert. I'm sorry that happened to you and your sister. Feeling shame or guilt is very common for survivors of sexual crimes but it's more of a function of PTSD than the feelings being factual. The fact is you have absolutely nothing to feel ashamed or guilty for nor responsible for. The sick criminal who kidnapped your sister and you was the one who was 100% responsible. All the guilt and shame is on his head alone. I'm glad that you've been able to start therapy and I'm glad you've reached out here to After Silence. I hope you will get some of the kind and compassionate s
  6. Hi @RuthLynne Welcome to After Silence! I'm glad you have decided to embrace a more positive view of yourself and that you are not to blame for what brought you here! I hope that the AfterSilence community will be of help to you on your journey of healing! ActivistAlly
  7. Welcome to AS!!! @Jennypal I hope that you'll find AS a kind, supportive, and safe place that you can talk with other survivors! Please take your time and feel free to look around and post more when you are ready and it begins to feel less scary and more familiar. I'm sorry for the things that made you seek us out but I'm glad that you've found our site! ActivistAlly
  8. Hello nothinglikeamandwoman , Welcome to After Silence!!!! You said you needed to redo this post so I assume your original was lost during some of the site updates that erased some posts recently? I'm so sorry that happened but hope that the upgrades will result in more reliable service in the future! I hope you will feel that AS helps you feel less alone in what you are struggling with and that it will feel like people here are walking with you in support every step of the way!!! ActivistAlly
  9. Hello and welcome @craisydaisy I'm sorry for what brought you here but I'm hopeful that AS can offer kind and compassionate support for you as you start your journey to healing from the painful memories of your past. We are glad that you have found our group and wish you strength as you struggle with all the feelings and memories brought up in the healing and recovery journey. Activist Ally
  10. Hello Begonia and welcome to AfterSilence! I'm so sorry for the things that happened to bring you here but I'm glad you found AS for support with finding your way out of fear and darkness! I hope you will continue to realize that you are not a freak or monster for anything that was done to you or that you were forced to do that caused your trauma. Hoping the members of AS will support you so that it feels like we're with you every step of the way towards the light! ActivistAlly
  11. Welcome back @itscleo. It sounds like a good step that you are giving therapy another chance and I hope it is helpful for you!!! As for not posting much that's okay, you can post as much or as little as you like. I hope you will get kind support here as you continue therapy and work for a better life.
  12. Hello Bridget and welcome to AS! I am so sorry to hear what brought you here but I'm glad that you found this site and I hope it can be a source of support as you recover from having been attacked. I hope you will feel like people here on AS will be supporting you every step of the way on your road to healing. ActivistAlly
  13. Yes it does make sense and it's perfectly valid for you to feel that way. I am glad you are okay with who you are!!!
  14. Hello Becky! Welcome to After Silence!!! I am glad your therapist referred you so you found us but I'm sorry for the traumas that brought you to our community. I hope that being on the site will help you feel a little less awkward and alone and that it will feel like AS is supporting you every step of the way as you make your journey through life as a survivor. Please know that the NewbieSupportTeam (NST) is here to assist you if you have any questions about finding your way around or with anything in general. Please feel free to contact myself or any of the NST by PM and we will
  15. Hello Sister I'm sorry that you've been through trauma to bring you here but I'm glad you found After Silence for support in the aftermath of what happened. I hope the site will be of value to you and give you some of the kind and compassionate support you deserve as you make your journey to healing. I'm glad you've got a good counselor to help you along the way and that you've reached out here for support! ActivistAlly
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