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    New York City
  • Interests
    Writing, reading, Every aspect of music (listening, singing, dancing, playing), loving others who are understanding and who I really feel equal to, honesty, challenges, dreams & dream analysis

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  1. Cindy, yours is definitely invited! I'm sure there's a unicorn for everyone who wants to ride one in here. I love your plan to see the rainbows! She's very excited to see them and to spend time with new friends.
  2. this made me smile! may you get all the flying unicorns you deserve. Hee hee thank you rosa! My little one would like to give yours some hugs and an invitation if she ever gets those unicorns to ride them. Hope she feels better soon!
  3. When I was a child, I was a complete tomboy. I'm assuming this was because I figured it was easier to hide as a boy than to be a girl with my abuser around (but this can't be proven seeing as I don't have strong memories of my childhood as a whole). My inner child, on the other hand, is a beautiful little girl who is learning not to be afraid of being a beautiful little girl. Yesterday my boyfriend and I were texting and the conversation got quite silly, and I had said "Does this mean you are the unicorn I've always wanted?" Typically, I never have wanted one, not even a pony, so this was a v
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