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  1. Hello Corry, Welcome to Aftersilence. My name is Mandy and I am apart of the Newbie Support Team here at AS. If you have any questions at all please feel free to send me a message and or anyone else on the NST team. I'm a CSA survivor as well, and I know what you mean by unhealthy relationships. I'm glad to hear you say that it doesn't define you! Even though you've had something terrible happen,..there are so many positives and achievements in your life I love it! Mandy
  2. Hello Torquoises, Welcome to Aftersilence! Getting close to graduating ! I'm sorry for the reason you have had to come here, but I'm glad you found us. I love how you love to paint, draw and write!!! I always wished I had that side to me Mandy
  3. Hello Pendaren, Welcome to AFtersilence. My name is Mandy and I am apart of the Newbie Support Team here at AS. If you have any questions at all please feel free to send me a message or to another member of the NEwbie Support Team,. We have people here from all over the world! Hope to see you around the boards Mandy
  4. Hello Rt71, Welcome to Aftersilence. I'm sorry for the reason you have had to make your way oover here. Memory can be very strange/ difficult. I think a lot of time when we get struck with trauma our brains try to block out information. It will take time but I think it will come to you. If you have any questions about the boards please feel free to message me or another member of the Newbie Support Team Mandy
  5. sunshinee


    Hello Tea, Welcome to Aftersilence! I'm from Canada too, but I now live in the States! I spent years and year in denial until I spoke out about it. I think by being here you will receive a lot of support and will help you understand what you went through. There are a lot of people here that have similar experiences. I think you took the right first step finding us Mandy
  6. Hello Fairysparkle, Welcome to Aftersilence! I've always wanted to visit Australia (it's still on my bucket list)!!!! Just wanted to take the time and welcome you here, and I hope you find the support you are looking for. If you have any questions at all please feel free to send me or another member of the Newbie Support team a message. Mandy
  7. Hello Strongereachday, Welcome to Aftersilence. My name is Mandy and I am apart of the Newbie Support Team. If you have any questions or just need a listening ear please feel free to contact myself or another member of the NST team. I'm sorry for what you have been through and the reason you have had to come find us, but I'm glad you did. It makes sense that you have panic attacks and you feel scared and anxious. This is a place where you will be heard and you can totally take this at your own pace Mandy
  8. Welcome to Aftersilence Tonyia, Glad you found us and I hope this place can you help provide you the support that you need Mandy
  9. Umbc1979, Welcome to AS! I'll send you a personal message to help navigate your way Nycgirl has some good suggestions too! Mandy
  10. Hello Amy, Welcome to Aftersilence I'm sorry for the reason you have had to come here, but I'm glad that you did find us. Have you tried reaching out to a local r*pe crisis center? I'll send you a personal message about this shortly. I know what you mean when you say it tears you up every single day of your life.. but I want you to know that things do get better.. just takes time and sometimes a lot of time. I think a step into this direction was the right one and slowly we'll move forward together. Mandy
  11. Hello Tm2566, Welcome to Aftersilence!!! My name is Mandy and I am apart of the Newbie Support Team. If you have any questions or just need a listening ear, please feel free to send me a personal message. I read a reply you wrote after your intro post and I wanted you to know that you do have the right to be upset. Nothing is too big or too small.. it all affects us in different ways..and you know I'm glad you reached out to us for support Mandy
  12. Hello Tweeter, Just wanted to take the chance and personally welcome you to the boards. I have gotten your PM and will respond to it shortly I hope that the bad experience from your previous board does not push you away from here. Mandy NST
  13. Hello Ladybrgr, Welcome to Aftersilence! Glad you found us and I do hope you find the support you are looking for. I do find this community to be supportive and no one is here to judge. Look forward to seeing you around the boards! Mandy NST
  14. Hello Marley13, Welcome to Aftersilence. I'm sorry about the events that have lead you to here! As for reporting to the police.. I would recommend getting a support person. Even if you went to a local rape crisis center or you could call an anonymous line. If you would like I could guide you into that direction. Everyone has different experiences reporting to the police..when I did it they wanted to know every single detail...and since it happened to me when I was child I didn't remember some exact things. I'm not trying to scare you just saying you should talk to someone so you have someone
  15. Hello Wopwoman, Welcome to Aftersilence! I'm sorry to hear what you went through... how are you doing? We do have a section for resources close to you or you are welcome to post around here (you'll see no one is here to judge). I hope you find the support you are looking for and I look forward to seeing you around the boards. Mandy
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